Education Activities

Mavambo Orphan Care works with Ministry of Primary and Secondary education.

1. Mavambo Learning Centre(MLC): The Mavambo Learning Centre (MLC) was founded in 2001 in response to the plight of children who were left orphaned and vulnerable following the death of their parents from HIVAIDS in the Mabvuku and Tafara communities.  MLC is a learning facility targeting 48 children each year aged 8 to 12 who have never been to school. Community volunteers assist in identification of the children for the programme. The social service staff invite the prospective caregivers and children for a one-on-one interaction to assess, interview, short list, profile, select and enrol the learners. This facilitates the development of a comprehensive care plan to support identified children and offer relevant services.

The MLC is staffed with three teachers, one teacher each specialising in either Maths, English or Shona as well as Science, Social Studies and Computers. These teachers are assisted by tutors to ensure learners are equipped with literacy and numeracy skills needed for them to catch up with peers in the formal education system within a year or two.

The 48 learners are allocated to 3 classes of 16 learners each according to age. The classes are colour coded: green, red, or yellow.

The children go through an accelerated literacy programme for a year, or 2 years at most, graduate from the Learning Centre and are then integrated to formal schools around Mabvuku and Tafara and continue to get comprehensive services from the organisation. They also receive psychosocial support in the form of counselling, play and talk time, music and dance, sports, excursions, camps and regular home visits that are conducted by community volunteers, social workers and the counsellor.

Since 2001, 22 groups (1056 children) have passed through the MLC.

MLC is supported by Misean Cara, The Stephen Lewis Foundation (SLF) and CAFOD for nutrition and other child protection services like birth registration, medical and education assistance, post GBV care, adherence (for the HIV positive) and economic strengthening for caregivers. These partners support the engagement of caregivers, volunteers, community leaders and various government departments through providing resources for workshops, trainings and platforms to interact, learn, share and exchange knowledge on various topics such as child protection and safeguarding, child rights and responsibilities, positive parenting, HIV and AIDS, health and hygiene. This engagement helps set the foundation for the development of a healthy self-sustaining community for children in Mabvuku, Tafara and Caledonia.

MLC learners continue receiving education support in the form of uniform, stationery, school visits for education tracking, school fees and    linked to skills and vocational training at an appropriate age.

2. Formal School Education Package

  • MOC supports vulnerable children to access education through payment of school levies after screening/assessments.
  • Target children of school going age (6-17 years)
  • Children receive a comprehensive package to include stationery, uniforms and text books support.
  • Support limited to Primary and Secondary education.

3. Second Chance Education: Mavambo Orphan Care utilises the Community Learning and Safe Park (CLASP) and Part-Time and Continuing Education (PTCE) to ensure school dropouts access education. This ensures that children who are out of school continue learning and are safe within the schooling environment.

4. Community Study Clubs: To ensure continued learning during crisis or pandemics, MOC facilitates virtual community study clubs. The children utilise online platforms for learning including Remote Area Community Hot spot for Education and Learning (RACHEL) and are assisted with qualified tutors. The organisation facilitate uptake of radio lessons as well.